Welcome and survey overview

Information for participants [16/10/23, version 2.0]

Thank you for your interest in this study. Please read the below information, which explains the purpose of the study. This will help you decide whether you would like to like to participate, and whether you are eligible to do so. You do not have to take part in this survey, and will not be disadvantaged in any way if you choose not to do so. Survey responses are anonymous.

What is the aim of this study?

Competition for anaesthetic registrar training numbers has increased over recent years [1]. We aim to quantify the financial cost to applicants associated with successfully obtaining an anaesthetic registrar training number, specifically focussing on applicants’ expenditure on portfolios in the ST3 February and August 2021 recruitment rounds, and the ST4 February 2023 recruitment round.

We hope that this study will deliver insight into the demands placed on applicants for UK anaesthetic registrar training posts, and constructively contribute to an understanding of whether certain groups of applicants are disadvantaged by this process.  

Who is eligible to complete this survey?

You are eligible to complete this survey if: - You applied for a job in any of the following recruitment rounds, via ANRO (Anaesthetics National Recruitment Office): February 2021 (ST3), August 2021 (ST3), February 2023 (ST4). You are eligible regardless of whether or not you received an offer, or whether or not you accepted or rejected any offer.

If you applied in more than one of these recruitment rounds, we ask that you complete the survey in relation to the most recent recruitment round for which you applied.

How long will the survey take to complete?

If you do agree to take part, we anticipate that the survey will take around fifteen minutes to complete. You may stop the survey at any time by closing your internet browsing window.

What information will be collected and how will it be stored?

The survey will collect data about:

  • Your qualifications and achievements at the time of application for an anaesthetic registrar training post
  • Financial costs that you incurred in association with these qualifications and achievements, organised by self-assessment domain. You may wish to gather this information before beginning the survey. The domains about which you will be asked are: Additional degrees and qualifications; Teaching (qualifications and courses); Presentations/Poster presentations at conferences/meetings; Academic publications; Training courses/Continuing Professional Development; Any other expenses incurred in relation to your self-assessment score.
  • Application outcome - whether or not you were offered a registrar training post in anaesthesia in that recruitment cycle.
  • Demographic information
  • Free text comments in which you are able to comment on and/or suggest improvements to the self-assessment (portfolio) aspect of the recruitment process

The majority of questions are optional.

Jisc Online Surveys, for which the University of Plymouth holds an organisational license, will be used to collect the survey data. This tool is GDPR compliant and meets the ISO/IEC 270001 information security standard.

Any data that you submit will be anonymous, and will be securely stored for a minimum of ten years in line with General Data Protection Regulation and University of Plymouth rules, after which time it will be destroyed. The policy may be viewed here: https://www.plymouth.ac.uk/uploads/production/document/path/6/6913/Research_Data_Policy.pdf (copy and paste into browser address bar in a new tab to access).

It will not be possible to withdraw data after you submit the survey.

Individuals who provide demographic information that is relatively distinct within this data set will be descriptively clustered into broader categories when any such information is reported in order to protect respondents’ anonymity.

There is no payment for participation in this research.

How will the study findings be disseminated?

Collated survey results may be presented at conferences and/or written up for publication. Results may also be shared with relevant bodies such as the Royal College of Anaesthetists.

If you have any questions about this research, please feel free to contact:

Dr. Lucy Guile, NIHR Academic Clinical Fellow in Anaesthesia

Email: Lucy.guile@plymouth.ac.uk


Dr. Rebecca Allott, SpR in Anaesthesia

Email: Rebecca.allott@nhs.net

Research ethics approval

Granted by University of Plymouth Faculty of Health Research Ethics and Integrity Committee on 30/08/2023. Project ID 3254.


If you have any complaints about the ethical conduct of this research, please contact the administrator of the Faculty of Health Research Ethics and Integrity Committee at FOHethics@plymouth.ac.uk  


  1. Health Education England. 2021 Competition Ratios: Nationally Advertised Vacancies. 2021. Available at https://specialtytraining.hee.nhs.uk/Portals/1/2021%20Competition%20Ratios_1.pdf (accessed 13/10/22).